Romantic Roses Hanger
This beautiful padded, Romantic Hanger with gorgeous silk and velvet roses and dainty little flowers and ribbons is the perfect compliment for your shabby decor. So sweet in the Mary Rose Collection fabric of dainty little roses in beautiful shades of pink. I have added a lovely piece on Vintage lace at the neck of this sturdy wooden hanger and complimented the fabric with matching lace trim, velvet ribbon and the prettiest combination of pink silk roses and flowers. It's lightly padded with a thin layer of poly batting and a white flannel backing to keep all the pretty outfits smooth as they hang in style. There is an additional dainty row of lace at the bottom, and although it is new, it looks absolutely Vintage too! The hanger measures 17" across by 9 1/2" tall and will accommodate either dress or jackets.~ Please click on pictures for a closer look ~
Price: $18.00
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